Speedway students making a difference

On January 6, Speedway High School recognized more than 30 students at the Student of the Quarter ceremony. Nominees were selected by Speedway staff members based on their efforts during the second nine weeks grading period.

Freshman Christiana Adegoke was nominated by her English teacher Corinne Owens.

“Christiana is such a pleasure to have in my fifth period English 9 class,” said Owens. “Especially when we are reading and delving into literature, she is an active, engaged participant in the classroom, and there are many days when we’re reading together that she’s audibly reacting to the texts’ content because she’s just so deeply involved with what’s going on. That is certainly a rarity.

“Christiana is also a champion learner because she is always willing to ask questions and push everyone’s thinking to a heightened level,” added Owens. “Her love of learning and curiosity will help her to flourish during her continued education.”

Preparation and consistency are two attributes admired by AP Government teacher David Todd who nominated Bolaji Akindiose as his Student of the Quarter.

“She comes to every class prepared and readily volunteers during class discussions,” said Todd. “She has been academically consistent this entire year. Bolaji has scored well on all AP mock exams.

“Bolaji is an enthusiastic learner and offers valuable analysis to the class. She demonstrates interest in all class topics. Because of her thoughtfulness and academic acumen, other students have asked her for direction and content knowledge.”

Senior Sefae Ali is a member of Shane Clampitt’s AP United States History class and he enjoy’s Sefae’s many qualities.

“She always walks in with a smile, with a positive attitude and she usually fixes my smart board,” noted Clampitt. “She is hardworking, creative, and extremely intelligent. She consistently gives her best effort on all of her assignments and assessments, which is reflected in her grades.

“Sefae constantly looks for ways to improve, better herself as a learner, and loves getting feedback. She is talkative, witty, humorous, and adds intelligence to any conversation or discussion. She is a true learner and leader. “

Leading by example is a mantra of science department chairperson Tim Curts who nominated Eris Blair as a Student of the Quarter.

“Eris is an outstanding example of what a student leader should be,” observed Curts. “She is very involved in extracurricular activities, but maintains an excellent understanding of each of her subjects through her preparation. I also appreciate her sense of humor and calm approach to the rigors of each course.”