Students of the Quarter

This week’s edition of the Speedway Students of the Quarter proves that age is no factor in demonstrating ‘the Speedway Way’.

Freshman Grant Haste was nominated as a Student of the Quarter by Health instructor Kylie Keevy. “This is Grant’s first year as a Sparkplug,” noted Keevy. “Grant has integrated into the community seamlessly, which is no small feat for a freshman
moving forward to high school without friends from the 8th grade. Grant is an excellent student and puts 110% into everything. Not only is Grant a model student, Grant is an extremely kind human.”

“Not only did I have the privilege of having Grant in Health class, Grant decided to try something new and come out for the swim team this year,” said Keevy, who also serves the head swim coach. “Swimming is not an easy sport to learn quickly, but Grant shows dedication and determination to improve every day. Grant is coachable, positive
and extremely competitive.”

Some leaders project their strengths through their works example as a role model for their fellow students. Sophomore Juliana Hgay is one of those students according to Technology teacher Emily Mulpuri.

“Juliana is a quiet leader in my class,” said Mulpuri. “It is amazing to watch her work in a group. Without much more than a whisper she can delegate tasks and always brings out the best in her group mates. She leads by example and is constantly working to make her group’s projects the best in the class.”

“Her (Juliana) individual work is just as exceptional and always done to perfect,” noted Mulpuri. “Juliana is truly a pleasure to have in my classroom.”

Freshman Vincin Jean moved from Fort Lauderdale to Speedway before school started and he seems to have made this move pretty seamlessly according to Speedway teacher and coach Jim Merlie. “To say he fits into our school’s culture would be an
understatement,” observed Merlie. “Not only has he fit in, he has made a huge impact in the classroom and on the athletic field. In English class, he has pushed himself to be the best student he can be.”

Math teacher Lori Doran works with sophomore Hadli King in Algebra. She has learned that Hadli has many traits that have translated to success at Speedway.

“Hadli comes to class well-organized and well-prepared daily,” said Doran. “Her Algebra work is near perfect as she strives to do the best with every concept she learns in class.”

“I appreciate Hadli taking the initiative to assist her peers with the comprehension of the material in class,” added Doran. “Her peers have benefited from her instruction and I believe Hadli explaining to others has made her even more skillful
with the material. With these qualities and drive to do superior work, Hadli will continue to be very successful with anything she puts her mind to.”